Get Ready – Information Session – 20 June – BWF World Junior Championships Anti-Doping Education
Next Monday, we will host an online information session on how to get ready for the BWF World Junior Championships 2022, in Santander Spain.
This year, every player must complete an anti-doping education course / session before they get to the Championships in Spain. The information session next Monday will help explain what you need to do to get ready – see our memo of 27 May (attached here).
Ask someone in your Association to register below to attend the information session.
- Information Session – Monday 20 June @ 20:00 (8:00PM) KL time
- Register here https://forms.office.com/r/Z2RFpmTSNn
- This will help you plan your anti-doping education activities for junior players and support personnel (coaches / team managers) going to the BWF World Junior Championships 2022.
Anti-Doping Education – a condition of participation
Under Clause 17.2 of the BWF Anti-Doping Regulations, the BWF has selected the BWF World Junior Championships 2022 as an event where players must complete anti-doping educational activities before they participate in the event in Spain.
This means that every player must complete an anti-doping education course before they arrive in Spain for the Championships. This is a mandatory requirement in order to compete at the BWF World Junior Championships 2022.
Contact – Yours and Ours
- Please decide who will be responsible for this in your organisation and who BWF can contact regarding Integrity Education – anti-doping / anti-match manipulation.
- If you have questions about the enclosed, please contact Andy Hines-Randle, Head of Integrity [email protected]