Integrity Framework

Every athlete has the right to compete in clean and fair sport – sport that is free from doping, match manipulation and corruption.

The BWF Integrity Unit is the operational unit that plans and implements integrity programmes – anti-doping programme and anti-match manipulation programmes.

The work of the Integrity Unit is connected to BWF’s Integrity Framework. There are four pillars to the framework: 1) the Rules System, 2) Education and Awareness, 3) Monitoring and Investigations , 4) Judicial Processes.


Prevention – this is achieved through education and awareness. This includes activations at tournaments, and for junior athletes, mandatory pre-tournament anti-doping education. The i am badminton – integrity awareness campaign is a key programme for the BWF.

  • Aware and informed athletes will make good choices.


Deterrence is the other key focus and this is achieved through athletes knowing the consequences of their actions, and through very visible programmes of testing, information gathering and monitoring:

  • a comprehensive anti-doping testing programme (urine and blood sample collection, athlete biological passport programme, sample retention)
  • monitoring of doping test results and biological passports;
  • monitoring of other data on match play including betting patterns on badminton to identify suspicious activity and matches.
  • investigations including interviews with individual athletes and entourage members.
  • where there is sufficient evidence of wrongdoing, a judicial process follows – and publishing and communicating the sanctions against athletes.