
Seeking Hearing Panel Members

BWF is seeking expressions of interest from individuals who wish to become a member of the BWF Independent Hearing Panel (IHP). The IHP has a general jurisdiction on cases arising from the BWF Statutes. It acts as a first instance hearing panel for Integrity and Ethics cases, and as an appeal panel for Sports cases and for Continental Confederation governance cases (Article 7.5 – Judicial Procedures)

The IHP is a pool of no fewer than seven members who may be called upon to serve on hearing panels of three members to hear a case.

Members of the IHP shall meet the criteria outlined in Article 7.2.1 (Composition) as well as Article 7.4 (Eligibility & Independence) of the BWF Judicial Procedures.

Applications should include a short summary statement of background, qualifications and experience that meets the criteria above (no more than two pages) and sent to Thomas Delaye, Head of Legal and Governance ([email protected]).

Expressions of interest close Friday 28 August 2020.