Schedule A Due 30 September


Schedule A Due 30 September

BWF Members are reminded to complete the annual return process by 30 September 2017. The Schedule A form was sent to Members on 9 June 2017. The Schedule A can also be downloaded from the BWF Corporate website.

Please complete this, sign, scan and email back to Patricia Wong – [email protected]


The BWF constitution states:

7.19     Member in Good Standing means a Member who does not have any subscriptions due (Clause 26), is not under suspension (Clauses13.5 –13.10) and who has submitted a completed Schedule A to the Federation for the current year (Clause13.1).



 Clause 13.1

Every Member shall submit to the Secretary General not later than 30 September in each calendar year a completed Schedule A which includes the number of its registered players as at a date within the preceding three (3) months.

Council shall have the right by 31 October in the same year to refuse to accept such declarations representing the number of registered players and also, if no Schedule A has been received, to assess the figures on such information as shall be available. A Member shall have the right to object to Council against such assessment within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the notice of Council’s decision. The onus of proof shall lie with the Member concerned.


Contact Patricia Wong if you have any questions regarding the Schedule A submission process.