
Changes to Rankings

The Badminton World Federation has removed Japanese Men’s Singles players, Kento Momota and Kenichi Tago, from all its rankings.

This decision, which took effect as of yesterday’s updated rankings, follows confirmation from the Nippon Badminton Association (NBA) that both players have been suspended for more than a year. Initially, NBA had informed BWF that the players were suspended “indefinitely” but has since clarified that the suspension will exceed a year.

Therefore, this brought into effect, the principle which the BWF Council agreed two years ago that any player suspended for more than a year would be removed from all rankings.

Additionally, BWF has removed two other players from its Olympic Qualification Rankings for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. This is due to their ineligibility to represent their respective adopted countries.

The players are Beiwen Zhang of USA (Women’s Singles) and Setyana Mapasa of Australia (Women’s Doubles with Gronya Somerville).

Please note these two players maintain their positions on the BWF World Rankings.