
Olympic Games Draw & Reallocations

Please find below information regarding the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Reminder – Paris 2024 – Olympic Games Draw

The draw for the Group Stages of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games will take place at the BWF Headquarters on Friday 12 July 2024 at 16:00 hours (+8 hours GMT).

Reminder – Confirmation of quota places/reallocation – Paris 2024 – Olympic Games

With the draw taking place as noted above, NOCs should take note that any withdrawal should be notified to BWF before 10 July 2024 to ensure that reallocation of positions can take place in time for the draw.

Any withdrawals between 10 July 2024 and the draw date should be notified urgently to Fern Gilders ([email protected]) as soon as they are known. Last minute withdrawals may not allow for a reallocation that can be included in the draw.


Should you have any questions about the above, please contact Fern Gilders ([email protected]).