
Membership Grant Programme 2024

BWF Membership Grant Programme 2024

The BWF is pleased to announce that the application process for the Membership Grant Programme 2024 will open on Friday 31 May 2024. All Member Associations will be contacted directly by the Membership Grants Team ([email protected]) outlining their eligibility status, application process and criteria.

Recipients of BWF Membership Grant Programme for the year 2023 and previous years who have yet to finalise and submit their end-of-year reporting will be deemed ineligible to apply for the BWF Membership Grant Programme in 2024.

Membership Capacity Building is a key focus in the new 2024-2028 BWF Strategic Plan. As such, it is our intention to increase support provided to Member Associations through the Membership Grant Programme during this period, with a scaled funding approach starting in 2025. Please note that this support will only be open to Member Associations with a long-term strategic plan in place.

More Information / Contact Person

Should you have any questions relating to your Member Association’s reporting for the years 2020-2023 and/or eligibility for 2024, please email [email protected].